How the speech to text service works

New technologies are frequently changing our lifestyles with all its innovative inventions along with the opportunity to unleash our creativity in a whole new way. It has changed our way of life by changing the ways we do our everyday work. New creations of modern technologies have contributed in almost every sector of professions by making the works a lot easier as it is supposed to be. Speech to text service is one of those inventions that have made a huge difference in the sectors that involves writing and typing. Even a few years back, people would have laughed at such kind of services. But modern technologies and the hard work of many researchers have made it possible to convert your voice into texts. This is a revolutionary system for people who have disabilities that prevent them for writing and typing. Now they can write as much as they want just by using their voices.


Speech to text services have created a huge popularity in the present time in many sectors. This technology works in a similar way as our ears and brain work. Our ears are sensitive enough to respond to sound waves created by other people talking and then they send the signal to our brains to process. Our brain processes the signals and responds accordingly. We are going to discuss the way voice to text services works by making as simple as possible to understand.

1. Converting the sound waves into electrical signals: This is the first step where the microphone attached to your device captures the sound waves that you produce and turn it in to electrical signals for the software to process. Sound waves move through the air by causing vibrations. These vibrations move the sensitive sensors of the microphone. The microphone captures the patterns of the sound waves to make significant electrical signals and sends it to the software.

2. Converting electrical signals to speech sounds: This step might seem unnecessary to you but it is one of the important steps. At this stage, the software distinguishes the human speech from other sounds and noises to process it further. Voice to text engines from all around the world have gone through a lot of difficulties to be able to do this task accurately.

3. Converting sounds to words: After isolating the sounds, they are sent to the massive servers to match the patterns with the words to convert. Sophisticated algorithm is used to do this task.

4. Converting words to sentences: when the words are determined, the software uses pre-specified language rules to turn them in to actual sentences for others to understand.

5. Converting sentences to text: At this stage, the server sends the speech to the software for the last step of checking for user preferences. Then the software converts the whole speech as text before you to use as you wish.

These steps will hopefully help you to understand the way every voice to text services works.